"Ely" or "the bogey"

Hi everion
This A littel animation for my niece she is about to became 2 years

The song is called the bogey it is a Mexican Song for Cildren wicht was collected by an German Children - Songwirter form the DDR …
… yea and now it is her


Congratulations, beautiful animation very creative

Thank you man :slight_smile:

Ewwww! The animation is so so, the character is excellent. Nice work.

Agreed, the character is very well done, but the animation needs a couple more layers of polish. Make sure you pay attention to the non-primary motions. A big example of what I mean is, his ears are far too solid feeling in the animation – they should flop around quite a bit when he turns his head and such. Extend that idea to smaller areas with smaller motions and you’ll end up with a much more lifelike animation. That said, I think you really nailed some of the expressions and body language – arguably the harder part of the process.

Thank you for your Critcs…
and I realy have to agree the most problems are her I This is by 2 Reasons.

  1. I am not a good animatior and need practis and I am realy happy for your tipps oofnish
  2. This animation had a deadline for last week and I defnetly needed mor time to nail it…

Hi :slight_smile:

I put Ely on Blenderswap

feel free to take a closer look


very nice model/animation (wish i understood mexican).

Oh parden me i mabe messed with my englich… the songtext is in german… and I am ablet to ranlat it!

it said:
Singer: This song was infented for everyone who like to pick one’s nose
Children: This song was infented for everyone who like to pick one’s nose
Singer. A bodey a bogey Olala
Childeren: A bodey a bogey Olala

SInger: The longe eleant live in the nose of Elephands
Children: The longe eleant live in the nose of Elephands
Singer. A bodey a bogey Olala
Childeren: A bodey a bogey Olala

for sure there ist mor but this ist the stuff i put in the video :smiley: